Insight Analysis
Sep 1st, 2021

Market Analysis Aug 2021

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Analysis by Morgan Dexter

Global equities saw gains in August, with notable performances in various regions. The US market reached new highs, fueled by a well-received speech by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell at the Jackson Hole symposium. His emphasis on cautious tapering and the need for further labor market progress resonated positively with investors. European equities also benefited from a positive Q2 earnings season and ongoing economic recovery, although concerns about the Delta variant persisted. In the UK, small and mid-cap stocks continued to shine due to M&A activity, while broader market performance was influenced by global asset allocation trends. Japanese shares gained despite concerns over rising Covid-19 cases and criticisms of the government's response. Asia ex Japan equities experienced recovery from previous sell-offs, driven by rising vaccination rates and declining infection rates.

Global sovereign bond yields rose in August, resulting in falling bond prices. While central banks' remarks on monetary policy, such as the Federal Reserve's Jackson Hole symposium, contributed to shifts in market sentiment, investors continued to monitor inflation trends and the withdrawal of monetary policy support. The US 10-year yield increased, with the Federal Reserve's signals on tapering causing some nervousness. In the UK and Europe, yields also rose slightly, reflecting the evolving economic landscape. Despite these changes, corporate bonds held relatively stable spreads, while high-yield bonds delivered positive returns due to coupon income.

Commodities exhibited mixed trends in August. While equities and bond markets saw gains and shifts, commodities experienced declines. Energy commodities faced headwinds, with concerns over oil demand weighing on the energy component. Other commodities, such as industrial metals, were influenced by factors like slower growth in China and market intervention news. Precious metals, including gold, faced downward pressure due to a less accommodative stance by the US central bank and a stronger dollar.

Global economic recovery continued, but concerns over the Delta variant's impact on sustainability persisted. Vaccination efforts remained crucial in managing the virus's spread and potential economic disruptions. Central banks maintained their influence on market trends through their policies and communication, aiming to navigate the balance between recovery and potential challenges.

As markets entered the later months of the year, uncertainties remained. Investors grappled with balancing economic recovery against potential setbacks, adjusting to evolving central bank policies, and gauging the impact of ongoing geopolitical developments. The path of the pandemic, progress in vaccination campaigns, shifts in inflation dynamics, and central banks' policy decisions were expected to continue shaping market sentiment and influencing investment strategies. Amid these dynamics, market participants sought to position themselves thoughtfully while acknowledging the importance of diversification and prudent risk management.

Geopolitical events and macroeconomic trends continued to add layers of complexity to the global market landscape. Developments in international relations, trade negotiations, and regional tensions were closely watched for their potential impact on markets. The ongoing shifts in the global political arena, such as changing leadership, policy adjustments, and diplomatic initiatives, further contributed to the intricate web of influences on market sentiment.

The technology sector remained a significant driver of market movements, with advancements, regulatory changes, and shifts in consumer behaviors shaping its trajectory. Innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, and renewable energy continued to capture investors' attention. However, the sector also faced scrutiny from regulators, and discussions around data privacy, antitrust concerns, and cybersecurity remained ongoing.

Sustainable investing and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations continued to play a pivotal role in shaping market dynamics. Investors increasingly factored in companies' environmental and social practices when making investment decisions. The push toward more sustainable business models and the adoption of ESG standards by corporations added a layer of criteria for investors to consider in their portfolios.

Consumer behavior and consumption patterns continued to evolve, influenced by a range of factors including technological advancements, changing demographics, and shifts in work and lifestyle norms. The pandemic also highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains, prompting discussions about diversification, resilience, and potential disruptions.

Market participants closely monitored regulatory changes and policy shifts across various sectors. Governments worldwide introduced new regulations and policies to address economic recovery, public health concerns, environmental goals, and digital transformations. These changes had the potential to impact companies' operations, profitability, and strategic planning.

As the markets moved through August, the intricate interplay of economic, geopolitical, technological, and societal factors continued to shape investment landscapes. Investors navigated through the evolving environment, considering opportunities and risks across different asset classes and regions. With each passing month, the markets remained a dynamic and multifaceted arena, where decisions were influenced by a complex web of information, data, and events.

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Asset Knight Partners Ltd