Insight Analysis
Jan 4th, 2022

Market Analysis Dec 2021

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Analysis by Morgan Dexter

US Treasuries encountered a modestly negative performance, leading to a rise in yields. Major central banks, including the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, made critical monetary policy decisions. The Federal Reserve adjusted its economic projections, acknowledging sustained inflationary pressures and signaling anticipated rate hikes. On the other hand, the European Central Bank confirmed the conclusion of its net asset purchases under the Pandemic Purchase Program and committed to reducing the Asset Purchase Program. Notably, the Bank of England and the Norwegian Central Bank raised policy rates in response to escalating inflation.

During December, the dollar index exhibited stability, while the yen experienced depreciation against both the euro and the dollar. The Norwegian krone appreciated due to higher oil prices coupled with the central bank's rate hike. While the Turkish lira initially faced depreciation, it later rebounded robustly following the implementation of a saver compensation program. Notably, Bitcoin's price experienced a decline, which could have been influenced by anticipated changes in US monetary policy.

December witnessed a rise in both gold and WTI crude oil prices. Additionally, agricultural commodities and industrial metals displayed strong performance during the month.

As the year came to a close, the global financial landscape exhibited a mixture of positive momentum and persistent challenges. While stocks ended the year on a high note, driven by encouraging economic indicators and accommodative monetary policies, concerns over inflation and the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continued to shape market sentiment.

In the US, major indices celebrated strong growth, with the S&P 500 marking a new record high. However, the shadow of inflation, reaching levels not seen in decades, remained a key concern. The Federal Reserve responded by accelerating its reduction of asset purchases, a move intended to address inflationary pressures. Despite this, the market exhibited a tempered response, reflecting widespread expectations of ongoing accommodative monetary policy.

The US faced its share of challenges, including averting a crisis related to the debt ceiling. Additionally, setbacks in passing a stimulus package highlighted the intricacies of fiscal policy decisions. On the pandemic front, despite the emergence of the Omicron variant and record-breaking COVID-19 cases, the lower hospitalization rate associated with the variant offered a degree of relief to the market.

Around the world, major central banks made critical decisions to steer their respective economies. The Federal Reserve's adjusted economic projections acknowledged the persistence of inflation, setting the stage for potential rate hikes. Meanwhile, the European Central Bank signaled the end of its net asset purchases under the Pandemic Purchase Program and outlined plans for reducing the Asset Purchase Program.

The Bank of England and the Norwegian Central Bank took proactive steps to address rising inflation by raising policy rates. These moves reflected central banks' commitment to maintaining price stability while navigating economic uncertainties.

Currency markets exhibited a range of movements in response to various factors. The dollar index's stability was juxtaposed with the yen's depreciation against major counterparts, particularly the euro and the dollar. The Norwegian krone's appreciation was underpinned by higher oil prices and a rate hike by the central bank. Meanwhile, the Turkish lira's rebound, fueled by a saver compensation program, showcased the potential impact of policy decisions on currency performance. In the cryptocurrency space, Bitcoin's price decline raised questions about the interplay between digital assets and evolving monetary policies.

Commodities experienced diverse trajectories in December. Both gold and WTI crude oil prices saw upward momentum, reflecting the complex interplay of global economic conditions. Agricultural commodities and industrial metals also performed well, influenced by factors such as supply chain dynamics, demand trends, and broader market sentiment.

As the year ended, the financial world entered a new chapter, marked by the interplay of economic indicators, central bank decisions, and evolving geopolitical dynamics. The outcomes of these factors would undoubtedly shape the financial landscape in the coming months. However, it's crucial to remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and market participants should remain vigilant and well-informed in their investment decisions.

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Asset Knight Partners Ltd