Insight Analysis
Oct 5th, 2022

Market Analysis Sep 2022

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Analysis by Morgan Dexter

Seeking safe havens became a challenge for investors, even as holding cash lost its allure due to surging inflation, which eroded its purchasing power. Equities experienced a downturn during the third quarter, though the extent of these losses was not excessively severe. In contrast, the bond market, particularly sterling corporates and government bonds, suffered substantial setbacks, resulting in certain bond funds recording historically unprecedented losses.

Central bank policies emerged as a central focus in global markets, prompting investors to closely monitor and respond to policy decisions. Most developed markets, with the exception of Japan, embarked on monetary tightening measures. The Bank of Japan intervened in the currency market to maintain accommodative monetary conditions.

UK investors holding non-GBP-denominated assets benefited from the weakened pound, as the Bank of England's policies were perceived as less hawkish compared to other central banks. However, the expansionary mini-budget introduced by the new Conservative government led to a decline in the pound's value and a tumble in gilt yields, necessitating intervention by the Bank of England to ensure market liquidity.

US and global equities faced declines, with a brief reprieve observed in July. Despite the overall market losses, UK investors with investments in US assets enjoyed positive absolute returns due to the pound's depreciation. Japanese equities yielded gains in sterling terms but incurred minor losses in their base currency. The Bank of Japan's commitment to accommodating policy resulted in record lows for the yen and substantial government intervention in the currency market.

Similarly, European equities, like their UK counterparts, experienced a decline over the quarter. Emerging market stocks also retreated in sterling terms, with varying performances across different countries. China witnessed a 15% decrease, whereas India saw gains and Brazil outperformed even more.

In a surprising turn of events, growth-oriented sectors outperformed value-oriented sectors in developed markets during the third quarter. Notably, the energy sector, traditionally associated with value, demonstrated robust performance due to escalating gas prices and sustained high oil prices.

Consumer discretionary stocks, including notable companies like McDonald's and, emerged as top performers on a global scale, contributing to the outperformance of growth stocks. Nonetheless, this sector experienced a reversal in the latter part of the quarter, bringing its performance closer to parity.

In the UK, real estate investment trusts (REITs) suffered significant losses, primarily influenced by fluctuations in interest rates. Interestingly, direct property market losses were less pronounced, indicating a quicker adjustment of discount rates in the equity market compared to direct assets.

Fixed income investments bore the brunt of the year's challenges, largely due to developments in rate and inflation markets. UK bonds, encompassing both government and corporate bonds, encountered substantial losses during the third quarter, with gilts declining by 25% from the year's outset.

The quarter concluded with a mini-budget announcement and subdued signals from the central bank, ushering in extreme market conditions that necessitated intervention by the Bank of England to maintain liquidity for pension funds and liability-driven investment strategies.

While oil prices experienced a downward trajectory over the quarter, they remained relatively elevated compared to recent history. Brent crude dipped below $100 a barrel, and WTI slipped into the high $70s; however, OPEC supply cuts played a role in stabilizing prices. Conversely, natural gas prices saw an increase, influenced by heightened demand and geopolitical factors.

Precious metals, like gold, witnessed weakening during the quarter, while industrial metals like copper remained relatively steady. Certain soft commodities posted gains, reflecting an uncertain economic outlook. The UK's commercial property market experienced weakness, although not to the same extent as REITs.

While house prices retained their strength, the rapid surge in mortgage rates raised concerns about potential pressure on the housing market, as prospective buyers may withdraw due to increased costs.

Looking ahead to the final quarter of the year, uncertainties and challenges continue to loom over financial markets, casting a shadow of unpredictability. Investors are closely monitoring various factors that could impact the global economic landscape.

Central bank policies remain a pivotal focal point, as market participants scrutinize the pace and extent of interest rate hikes in response to inflationary pressures. The delicate balance between combating rising prices and avoiding destabilizing economic contractions poses an ongoing challenge for monetary authorities worldwide.

Equity markets are navigating a landscape characterized by mixed signals. The performance of growth-oriented sectors, coupled with the resilience of certain value-oriented segments like the energy sector, contributes to a complex market dynamic. The trajectory of consumer discretionary stocks, a recent outperformer, remains uncertain as economic pressures and changing consumer behaviors continue to influence performance.

The bond market, which faced significant losses earlier in the year, is experiencing heightened volatility as investors gauge the impact of changing interest rates on fixed income investments. Government bonds, corporate bonds, and other fixed income securities are subject to market sentiment shifts and central bank decisions, making it imperative for investors to stay nimble in their strategies.

Geopolitical factors remain influential in shaping market trends. Ongoing concerns surrounding the energy crisis, geopolitical tensions, and their impact on oil and gas prices underscore the interconnectedness of global markets. Geopolitical developments can trigger supply disruptions and fluctuations in commodity prices, further adding to market uncertainties.

The performance of emerging market stocks continues to display variation across countries, reflecting diverse economic conditions and policy responses. The performance of major economies like China, India, and Brazil will continue to be closely monitored, providing insights into the evolving dynamics of emerging market equities.

In the UK, the housing market faces the challenge of balancing robust house prices with the potential effects of rising mortgage rates. As consumers weigh the costs of borrowing against property valuations, the direction of the housing market will be a key determinant of broader economic sentiment.

Commodity markets, spanning from oil and gas to metals and agricultural products, will remain influenced by supply and demand dynamics, as well as geopolitical events. The trajectory of commodity prices can have cascading effects on inflation, economic growth, and sectoral performance.

As the year unfolds, investors are navigating a complex and evolving financial landscape. The interplay of central bank policies, economic indicators, geopolitical developments, and market sentiment will continue to shape asset class performances and investment strategies. Flexibility and adaptability will be paramount for investors seeking to navigate the intricate web of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Asset Knight Partners Ltd