Insight Analysis
Mar 7th, 2022

Market Analysis Feb 2022

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Analysis by Morgan Dexter

Russia's invasion of Ukraine cast a shadow over financial markets, prompting investors to grapple with the potential ramifications of economic sanctions on Russia, a major commodity exporter. The fear of these sanctions, particularly on energy exports, reverberated through the markets, leading to declines in many sectors. Amid this uncertainty, the UK market emerged as the top performer due to its exposure to energy and materials sectors, while European equities faced challenges, possibly due to the Eurozone's reliance on Russian energy imports.

The US market experienced declines in February, primarily due to the shockwaves from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. As market participants assessed the potential economic impact of sanctions on Russia, stocks faced headwinds. The US responded with severe sanctions, including measures against the Russian central bank and key financial institutions, leading to wider market uncertainty. Despite these developments, the US economy remained robust, characterized by strong growth and elevated inflation. Industrial activity indicated expansion, while rising prices contributed to weaker consumer confidence.

The energy sector stood out in the US market, benefiting from surges in oil and gas prices. However, tech and communication services sectors faced challenges, contributing to overall market struggles.

European equities struggled in February, particularly due to the region's dependence on Russian energy, primarily gas. The invasion led to increased energy prices, adversely affecting consumer discretionary and financial sectors. Defensive sectors, such as healthcare, communication services, and utilities, fared relatively better. The Eurozone's annual inflation rate rose, primarily driven by energy price inflation. While the European Central Bank (ECB) did not rule out an interest rate increase, the Ukraine crisis introduced additional uncertainties to the monetary policy outlook.

UK equities showed limited changes compared to January, with larger companies leading gains in specific sectors. Defensive sectors performed well, signaling a shift from the previous month. Earnings growth estimates for UK companies remained steady, as many companies reassured the market about their forecasts in their full-year results. Despite concerns about inflation's impact on profit margins, consensus estimates remained stable.

In Japan, the stock market experienced mixed performance amid rising global uncertainties. Geopolitical events, particularly the Ukraine crisis, influenced equity market behavior. While Russia is a minor trading partner for Japan, the potential for higher energy prices could impact inflation expectations.

Asia ex Japan equities saw a modest decline in February, with concerns about the Ukraine crisis contributing to investor unease. Economic sanctions on Russia led to commodity price hikes and inflation concerns, impacting markets in China, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, and Singapore. However, stocks in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand ended the month on a positive note.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia heightened geopolitical tensions and introduced volatility into the bond market. Initially, bond yields rose due to hawkish central bank policies, but they later declined as geopolitical risks increased. Corporate bonds in Europe saw negative returns due to widened spreads, while emerging market bonds, particularly hard currency sovereign bonds, experienced negative total returns. Russia's economic sanctions led to a sharp depreciation of the Russian Ruble.

Convertible bonds experienced a minor setback with a -1.9% return in US dollar terms. Market sentiment was subdued, and issuance volumes remained modest in the convertible bonds segment.

As February unfolded, the global markets navigated a complex and uncertain environment characterized by geopolitical tensions, economic sanctions, and concerns about energy prices and inflation. The interplay of these factors had diverse effects across sectors and regions, underscoring the importance of a holistic understanding of market dynamics and proactive decision-making in investment strategies.

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Asset Knight Partners Ltd