Insight Analysis
Jul 7th, 2022

Market Analysis Jun 2022

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Analysis by Morgan Dexter

Both the US and Europe contended with substantial market declines, marked by tech stock sell-offs and disruptions tied to gas pipelines and export-driven nations like Germany. Conversely, emerging markets, particularly China, delivered robust performance, offsetting losses in countries such as India, Korea, and Taiwan. Investors exhibited confidence that the worst impacts of pandemic-induced economic shocks and China's tech sector crackdown were in the rearview mirror.

Value-focused sectors generally outperformed growth-oriented counterparts. The energy sector stood out, benefitting from rising oil and gas prices. Utilities also thrived due to escalating prices. Sectors exhibiting resilience, such as tobacco, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare, posted relatively strong results. The technology sector encountered ongoing hurdles, as lofty valuations contended with escalating interest rates and inflation. Mining stocks bore the brunt of substantial declines as global economic prospects dimmed.

For investors seeking refuge from sagging equity markets, traditional bond investments offered limited relief. Certain bond markets experienced more pronounced declines than others. Index-Linked gilts with maturities exceeding 15 years tumbled by 25%, while the broader Index-Linked Gilt market encountered a 17.5% setback over the quarter. UK investors who ventured into overseas bonds, particularly short-term US Treasuries, fared comparatively better when assessed in sterling terms. Conventional UK gilts registered a decline of roughly 7.5%, whereas global treasuries experienced a milder contraction of around 4.5%. Corporate bonds demonstrated slightly stronger performance than gilts within the UK but trailed behind global treasuries. Recession concerns steered some investors towards the safety of government bonds.

Within the realm of commodities, movement displayed a wide spectrum. Energy and grains preserved their strong performance trajectory, whereas precious metals and base metals faced declines during the quarter. Oil and gas prices surged, with gas nearly doubling at one juncture due to apprehensions about European access to Russian gas and an explosion at a US liquefied natural gas plant. Nevertheless, a portion of these gains retraced as the US ramped up production and initiated efforts to restore the Freeport plant. Copper, often regarded as an economic indicator, underwent a USD decline of nearly 30%, mirroring concerns about an impending recession.

Notably, direct property investments sustained their stability, particularly within the UK. This asset class yielded modest positive returns, with commercial property transactions frequently surpassing expectations. Residential property prices remained at all-time highs despite a deceleration in house construction activity.

The global investment landscape continued to navigate a complex web of challenges and opportunities as the third quarter unfolded. Investors found themselves grappling with a shifting economic landscape, evolving policy responses, and geopolitical tensions that influenced market dynamics.

Central banks remained a focal point as they navigated the delicate balance between combating inflation and supporting economic growth. The trajectory of interest rate hikes varied across regions, with some central banks taking a more aggressive approach than others. In the US, the Federal Reserve continued its gradual tightening path, while central banks in Europe and Asia grappled with their own policy decisions in the face of persistent inflationary pressures.

Inflation remained a persistent concern, with consumer prices continuing to rise in many economies. The surge in energy and commodity prices, coupled with supply chain disruptions, contributed to elevated inflation levels. This prompted debates about the transitory nature of inflation versus more entrenched price pressures, further adding to investor uncertainty.

Amid these challenges, equity markets experienced a mixed performance. Developed markets saw divergent trends, with the UK market continuing to exhibit resilience, supported by strong performances in sectors such as energy and financials. The US market faced headwinds from concerns about the impact of rising interest rates on high-growth sectors, leading to increased volatility in technology stocks.

Emerging markets also displayed diverging outcomes. China's efforts to stabilize its tech sector and stimulate economic growth had a positive impact on its equities, while other emerging markets grappled with a combination of domestic and global challenges.

The bond market remained a focal point of volatility as well. Government bond yields in some regions continued to rise, reflecting expectations of tighter monetary policy. Corporate bonds faced challenges amid concerns about credit risk and the potential impact of rising interest rates on corporate balance sheets.

Commodity markets remained dynamic, with energy prices remaining elevated due to ongoing geopolitical tensions and supply disruptions. Precious metals faced headwinds from a stronger US dollar and shifting investor sentiment. Agricultural commodities continued to experience volatility due to weather-related events and supply chain disruptions.

Geopolitical events continued to cast a shadow over the investment landscape. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its implications for global energy markets remained a source of concern, particularly for European economies heavily dependent on Russian energy supplies.

Looking ahead, investors remained cautious and vigilant, closely monitoring economic indicators, policy decisions, and geopolitical developments that could impact their investment strategies. The global investment landscape remained fluid, requiring a nimble and adaptable approach to navigate the evolving challenges and opportunities.

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Asset Knight Partners Ltd