Section 172 Statement

  • Asset Knight Partners Ltd

    Effective date: Mar 2, 2023

This Section 172 Statement outlines how Asset Knight Partners Ltd considers the interests of stakeholders and fulfils its responsibilities under Section 172. We recognize the importance of understanding the diverse needs of our stakeholders and making informed decisions that align with their interests.

Stakeholder Engagement

We engage with a range of stakeholders who have a legitimate interest in our business. These stakeholders include our clients, employees, shareholders, suppliers, regulators, and the broader community in which we operate. We believe that considering their needs and perspectives is essential to achieving long-term sustainable success.

Consideration of Stakeholder Interests

  • Clients: We are committed to providing high-quality financial advisory services that meet the unique needs of our clients. We consider their financial goals, risk tolerance, and preferences to tailor our advice and support.
  • Employees: We recognize the vital role our employees play in our success. We prioritize their well-being, development, and engagement by fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.
  • Shareholders: We aim to deliver value to our shareholders through sustainable growth and prudent financial management. We consider their interests while making strategic decisions that impact the company's performance and profitability.
  • Suppliers: We maintain transparent and fair relationships with our suppliers. We strive to work with suppliers who share our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.
  • Regulators: We adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and codes of practice governing our industry. We engage constructively with regulators to ensure compliance and maintain the highest standards of conduct.
  • Community: We contribute positively to the communities in which we operate by supporting local initiatives, fostering financial education, and engaging in responsible business practices.

Decision-Making Process

When making decisions, we consider the impact on our stakeholders and the long-term success of the business. We weigh the potential consequences of our decisions on various stakeholders and assess whether they align with our core values and strategic objectives.

Reporting and Accountability

We are committed to transparently reporting on our approach to stakeholder engagement and the consideration of stakeholder interests. Our Annual Report and other relevant communications provide insights into our efforts to create value for stakeholders and address their concerns.

Continuous Improvement

We recognize that stakeholder expectations and business environments evolve. We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to stakeholder engagement, decision-making, and responsible business practices.


Asset Knight Partners Ltd's Section 172 Statement underscores our commitment to fulfilling our legal and ethical obligations toward stakeholders. By understanding and addressing their interests, we strive to build a resilient and sustainable business that benefits all our stakeholders and contributes positively to society.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this document, please contact us at:

Asset Knight Partners Ltd
Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queens Road Central, Hong Kong, 999077
Email: [email protected]
Asset Knight Partners Ltd